Tous les articles par admin

Legal Info


Revocation request
Please send an email to the following address The email should contain the following info:

  • Organisation name, name of the organization that ordered the certificate
  • Contact name, person that can be reached in case we need verification
  • Telephone number, that can be used to reach out to the contact person
  • Order number of the certificate
  • Certificate Serial number
  • Certificate Name (Subject, CN )
Trust Services
Definitions and Acronyms for Certipost Trust Services
Trust Services: e-Certificates
General Terms and Conditions
General conditions for Certipost e-Certificates
Certification Practice Statement
Certification Practice Statement for Certipost e-Certificates
Certificate Policies
  • Qualified level
Certificate Policy for Qualified Certipost E-Trust Certificates 0.3.2062.
Qualified certificates for legal persons represented by a physical person on SSCD – QCP+ Public
  • Normalized level
Certificate Policy for Normalized Certipost E-Trust Certificates 0.3.2062.
Certificate Policy for Normalised Certipost E-Trust SSL Web Server and Code Signing Certificates 0.3.2062.
  • Communities
Certificate Policy for Lightweight Certipost E-Trust Certificates for Communities 0.3.2062.
Certificate Policy for Lightweight Certipost E-Trust Certificates for EUROCONTROL 0.3.2062.
Certificate Policy for Lightweight Certificates for EUROCONTROL
  • Test policies
General Test Policy
Test Policy: For the PoC with “Type1” certificates
Test Policy: For the PoC with “Type 2” certificates
Trust Services: e-Signing
Signature Policies
AES e-Invoicing Signature Policy 0.3.2062.
E-Signing_Handwritten Equivalent SignaturePolicy_v1.1 0.3.2062.
EXBO e-Signing Automated for scanned invoices 0.3.2062.
Digipolis eBesluitvorming elektronische handtekening 0.3.2062.
IFY e-Signing Automated for scanned invoices 0.3.2062.
Trust Services: e-Timestamping
General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions Certipost e-Timestamping 0.3.2062.
e-Timestamping Policy
Certipost e-Timestamping Time-Stamping Authority Policy 0.3.2062.
Archived documents
Document archive
Outdated Certification Practice Statements (ZIP file)
Outdated Certificate Policies (ZIP file)
Outdated General Terms and Conditions (ZIP file)
Outdated Purchase Order forms (ZIP file)